Targeted thefts on the rise

Last year, thieves struck at a home of an Indian family in Melbourne’s west, decamping with expensive jewellery and other luxury items in a broad daylight break-in that was captured on camera.

The home owners were away when three thieves made their way into the home kicking down the front door.

“They have taken away every piece of our jewellery. They went through every single drawer, every single cupboard, even in the kitchen,” said the distraught home owner to the media.

It’s important to note that even the presence of security cameras didn’t protect their house from being burgled.

Targeted thefts on the rise

All such incidents are news stories, until we become the victims of a crime.

What can you do to protect your valuables?

Trust Kuber Vaults to look after your precious possessions. At our world class safety locker facility in Castle Hill, you get a choice of 5 different sizes of safe deposit boxes to keep most of your precious possessions safe. Whether it’s jewellery, a family heirloom, a computer hard drive with important documents, pictures saved or any other valuable, Kuber Vaults can store it safely for you.

Our state-of-the-art facility boasts ultra-secure lockers, the premises are fitted with bio-metric security with 24-hour surveillance. Every locker also comes with insurance worth up to $10,000 with options available for higher value insurance too.

Starting as low as 60 cents a day, you can get the best possible security for your precious possessions.

Not only is our facility incredibly secure, Kuber Vaults also makes your possessions accessible to you every day of the year, so you can pick up that necklace for Saturday night in the morning and return to your locker the next day!

For more information, call Kuber Vaults on 1800 058 237

What makes Kuber Vaults an ideal safe deposit locker facility?

& Secure

When you get a licence for a safe deposit box at Kuber Vaults, you can rest assured that your valuable are safe and secure, and yet within your easy reach.

Access 7 Days
A Week*

Kuber Vaults provides you access to your valuables 7 days a week. We also offer you after-hours access to your Safe Deposit Box. Conditions and charges apply.*Castle Hill location only


The premises of Kuber Vaults has 24-hour CCTV for constant surveillance of the facility and to ensure complete safety of your valuables.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Safe Deposit Box?

A safe deposit box is secure storage of valuables for individuals and businesses to store items, documents, and assets. These boxes are placed securely inside a vault and are designed to offer a high level of security and protection against theft, fire, flood, and other potential hazards.

What can be stored in a Safe Deposit Box?

A safe deposit box can be used to store important documents like wills, deeds, and property titles; valuable items such as jewellery and precious metals; and digital media like external hard drives, data backups, and sensitive digital files (e.g., encrypted data).

Is there a Safe Deposit Box Facility in Western Sydney?

Kuber Vaults is located in Castle Hill - easily accessible from all parts of Sydney.

Is a Safe Deposit Box the same as a Locker to store valuables?

Yes, what is known as a Locker in some countries is called a Safe Deposit Box in others.

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